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Title: The cultural context of service-learning: issues to consider in importing a pedagogical innovation
Authors: Merrill, Martha C.
Keywords: education
Issue Date: 2002
Series/Report no.: 1
Abstract: One of the fastest-growing forms of pedagogy in the United States is service-learning, the uniting of volunteer service with academic learning. Although service-learning also is used in a number of other countries, its use in the US grows out of a particular set of cultural and historical conditions. According to Kenny and Gallagher (16-23), those conditions include the traditional commitment of US higher education to "public purpose;" service-learning's intellectual and philosophical roots; and traditions of volunteerism and social activism in the US. Kyrgyzstan's history and culture are different, but service-learning nevertheless may be an appropriate pedagogy for producing students who can contribute to the nation's future.
Appears in Collections:Образование и наука

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