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Showing results 125 to 144 of 1209 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004"Das Schweigen der Sirenen" als eine alternative Variante des Odysseus-und Sirenen-Mythos bei Franz Kafka = "The Silence of Sirens" by F. Kafka as an alternative myth about OdysseyKomarov, Alexej
2007Decision Support Systems: A Case Study in VESTELSagbansua, Lutfu
2010-08-13"Deer" Image as a Possible Differentiator of Social Groups on the Basis of Saimaly-Tash PetroglyphsChemayeva, Nataliya
2011-05Defending Democracy: post war Germany and extremist heritageKim, Olesya
2011-11-25T07:59:28ZDegree Planning Worksheet-
2015Democratization process in Georgia. Timeframe -Saakashvili and Post Saakashvili periodsTemirbekova, Asel
2011Department Development Plan-
2011Department Work Plan 2011-2012-
2010Departmental Development Plan (2010-2013)-
2011Departmental Development Plan (2011-2012)-
2008Departmental Development Plan for 2008-2009 academic year-
2009Departmental Development Plan for 2009-2010 academic year-
2010Departmental Development Plan for 2010-2011 academic year-
2011Departmental Development Plan for 2011-2012 academic year-
2012Departmental Development Plan for 2012-2013 academic year-
2011Departmental Development Plan for the Academic Year 2011-2012-
2012-08Development Aid and Politics-
2011-04Development of Parliamentarism in EnglandKasymkulov, Erik
2010Developmental PsychologyYarova, Olga
2012Differences in the coverage of State and Private TV companies in 2008 Korean Candlelight VigilOh, Danbi