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Showing results 264 to 283 of 1216 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014-01-03Identity and DifferencesGorborukova, Galina L.
2012-04Image of Germany and Germans by young and old generations in BishkekKyzaeva, Jamilya
2014The impact of informal institutions on democracy in transitional countries: the example of aksakals in KyrgyzstanNurbekova, Kyzzhibek
2008An Impact of Internal Trade Sector of the Economy on Poverty in the Kyrgyz RepublicKudabaev, Z.I.; Alymbekova, N.
2022Implementation of Differentiated Instruction in a Rural Kyrgyz Secondary SchoolSharshenbek Kyzy, Asel
2013-05Implementation of the Norms prohibiting Grave Breaches of the Geneva Conventions 1949 into Kyrgyz Criminal LawAbdyldaeva, Altynai
2015The Implications of Internal Migration on Socio-Political Stability in KyrgyzstanZhorokulova, Zhibek
2010-08-13Impression Management: The Effects of Loneliness, Anxiety, and Depression Among Kyrgyz WomenTsoy, Elena
2009Increasing the Effectiveness of Cooperation between Civil Society Organizations and State Governance Bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Law-making Process-
2015India and China's policies Approach and Achievement Toward AfghanistanMohammadi, Tahera
2011Individual schedule Fall 2011-
2014-01-03Industrial OrganizationKonstants, Liudmila
2015The Influence of Foreign Policy on the Process of Nation Building in KazakhstanSydykova, Aizirek
2011Information Letter. “Academic Writing and Research Workshop”-
2014The institutional aspects of economic and political development in Central Asia: Cases of Kyrgyzstan and TurkmenistanLakomova, Lyubov
2002Institutionalizing and academic culture of researchWood, James R.
2011Intellectual Property Law FAll 2011Chubarova, Aisulu
2013-05Interaction of Human Rights Protection in the Kyrgyz Republic and United Nations Human Rights Committee under ICCPR Student:Omarkulova, Aidana
2014-01-03Intermediate MicroeconomicsNurieva, Gulnara N.
2011International and Business Law Curriculum for 2009-2011 admits-