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Showing results 349 to 368 of 1216 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Journalism and Mass Communication Department-
2010Journalism and Mass Communication Department. SPRING-
2011Journalism department's budget-
2005The Kyrgyz in Western Travel Books of the Late 19th and Early 20th CenturesTurdalieva, Cholpon
2012Kyrgyz Radio: Development of the National Media Rating SystemFeofilaktova, Anna
2019A Kyrgyz Singer of Tales_ Formulas in Three Performances of the Birth of Manas by Talantaaly BakchievPlumtree, James
2007-05-04T06:34:33ZKyrgyz-Russian Relations: 16 Years of Experience in Economic, Trade and Security CooperationVlasov, Valentin
2008Kyrgyzstan Today. Policy Briefs on Civil Society, Migration, Islam and CorruptionCouper, John
2010L'image de la femme kirghize à travers les récits de voyage (fin du XIX siècle - début du XX)Turdalieva, Cholpon
2012-08La Communication Interculturelle-
2014-01-03Labor EconomicsMuktarbek, Akylai
2011Language and CultureToktogulova, Mukaram
-Language Policy and Language Situation in KyrgyzstanChotaeva, Cholpon
2013-09-03Language, Culture and PowerToktogulova, Mukaram
2011Learning outcomes-
2013-05Leasing as a Form of Investment Activity in KyrgyzstanZhanybekov, Daniiar
2013-05Legal aspects of foreclosure upon immovable pledged property and sale of the pledge in the Kyrgyz RepublicLolakova, Takhmina
2015Legal Aspects of Valuation of Damages in Investment ArbitrationRaiymkulov, Eldiiar
2014-01-13Legal basics or the economyOmuraliev, Sagyn
2015Legal Liability of Non-Execution of Military Illegal Orders by Members of Armed Forces in the Kyrgyz RepublicNamazalieva, Aidana