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Showing results 547 to 566 of 1209 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Obligation of the Kyrgyz Republic under the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and TheirAdditional Protocol I of 1977 Concerning Grave Breaches of International Humanitarian LawNogoibaeva, E.K.; Myrsalieva, N.K.
2010On Peculiarities of Spatial Semantics of Buryat VerbsBardamova, E.A.
2011On-Line JournalismToralieva, Gulnura; Bektour, Iskender
2016-03-23‘Only by learning how to live together differently can we live together at all’: readability and legibility of Central Asian migrants’ presence in urban RussiaNasritdinov, Emil
2008Open Electronic Library – from initiative to reality at the community of Kyrgyz librariesBattalova, Sania
2013Organizational PsychologyYarova, Olga
2007-09-12T06:23:55ZOsh-Bishkek-Almaty-Moscow and return? How Different Generations Sustain Their Livelihoods in Multilocal SettingsThieme, Susan
2010Ownership rights of foreign persons over the land parcels in the Kyrgyz republic: law and practiceSafarbek kyzy, Aisanat
2007Patterns of Regional IntegrationBeimenbetov, S.T.
2011PedagogyBagdasarova, Nina
2010Peer-Review Publications for Improving Scholarship in Central AsiaShamatov, D.; Schatz, E.; Niyozov, S.
2011Peoples and Cultures of Central Asia (Spring 2011)Turdalieva, Cholpon
2011Peoples and Cultures of Middle East (Spring 2011)Chotaeva, Cholpon
2003Perception of justice: group identity and similaritySadykova, Nazgul
2013-05-14T06:02:17ZPerception of the Film “Empty Home” by N.Egen Among the Audience in KyrgyzstanKalykova, Jazgul
2018Personal Ornament Production Technology in the Early Holocene Complexes of Western Central Asia: Insights from Obishir-5Abdykanova, A.K.; Fedorchenko, A.Y.; Shnaider, S.V.; Krajcarz, M.T.; Romanenko, M.E.
2013-05-14T05:54:26ZPhoto Credibility and News Reporting: Individual Reception TendencyUi, Jin Han
2011PhotographySchrier, Kirstin
2013-09-03Photography (credit value 3/6)Skochilo, Elena
2013-10-18T10:22:10ZPhotography in American HistoryKate, Sampsell-Willmann