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Showing results 713 to 732 of 1216 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Tax Contract: The Problems of Correlation of the Public and Private law.Kaldybaeva, Nargiza
2011Tax Law Fall 2011Kasybekova, Kanykei
2014-01-03Taxes and TaxationMuktarbek, Akylai
2009Teaching English Through the Integration of Laptop Equipment and the Associated Technologies at an English ClassZelenovsky, V.A.
2013-09-03Teoriia pravaBaetov, Aiaz
2015Third Party Intervention in the Conflict Resolution Process and its Impact on Post Conflict State Building: the Case of Civil War in TajikistanMamura, Shadieva
2007The TOEFL Exam as a Supplementary Source for Spreading American StudiesZelenovsky, V.A.
2006TOEFL и адекватный подход к вступительным экзаменам в вузМасимова, А.; Халмурзаева, А.
2007Tracking Global HIV/AIDS Initiatives and Their Impact on the Health System: The Experience of the Kyrgyz Republic. Context ReportMurzalieva, Gulgun; Kojokeev, Kanat; Manjieva, Elina; Akkazieva, Baktygul; Samiev, Arnol; Botoeva, Gulzat; Ablezova, Mehrigul; Jakab, Melitta
2023Trade Dynamics in Post-Independence Kyrgyzstan: Analyzing the Shifts in Exports and Imports in the Wake of Global Changes and the COVID-19 PandemicAchkasov, Nikita; Andriushchenko, Karina
2013-01-31Tranfer Policy-
2011Transfer Policy-
2014-01-03Transformation in Post-Communist CountriesAblezova, Mehrigiul
2012Transition of the Kyrgyz National Television and Radio Broadcasting Corporation from Governmental to Public Source of InformationLokteva, Varvara
2019-05-13Transitions from dirty to clean energy in low-income countries: insights from KyrgyzstanUkueva, Nurgul; Sabyrbekov, Rahat
2007-06Transparency is a Key to Solving Conflicts between State and BusinessAkeleev, Azamat
2012Trying to Teach Psychology (Methods of Teaching Psychology)Bagdasarova, Nina
2013Trying to Teach Psychology (Methods of Teaching Psychology)Bagdasarova, Nina
2007Tеоретические основы современных исследований прикладной лингвистики, применимые в ходе создания трехъязычного электронного словаря лексики профессийГыска, Т.П.
2013-09-03Ugolovnoe pravo Kyrgyzskoi RespublikiZhumashev, Azamat